Private Air New York

Winter 2016 - 2017

Private Air New York Magazine

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Page 50 of 97 Private Air New York | Winter 2016 51 WEALTH MANAGEMENT WEALTH MANAGEMENT like a quarterback coordinating a sophisticated financial team to meet her diverse needs. "e wealthier the individual, the more she needs a sounding board," Ewart comments. 4. Avoid the "Just sign here, honey!" syndrome. Ewart says the most frequent mistake women make is to defer their major money decisions to a man. "Some of the statistics today are stunning," Ewart says. "Even though almost 40 percent of women claim financial literacy, fewer than 20 percent claim financial competency." She encourages women to educate themselves on money management and to use resources to make their own financial decisions so that they can fulfill their own financial goals. "Wealth takes a lot of finesse," she admits. "It's not easy." 5. Make a spending plan. It sounds rudimentary, but Ewart stresses that wealthy women keep themselves informed of what comes in and what goes out when it comes to their money. "It's very important to monitor the ebb and flow of your assets," she says. "at way you can make sure your money is protected and that you are not being taken advantage of." As an experienced financial planner, Ewart sees clear differences between her wealthy male and her wealthy female clients. "In general, men are focused on their investments. ey see their investments as an end game." However, women tend to be more focused on how well their investments are doing, according to Ewart. She also comments that women are often more charitably inclined than men are. "If we can harness women's social consciousness, we can see great social change," she notes. Ultimately, Ewart hopes that couples will sit down and discuss the concepts outlined in her book together. "Money is such a hot button," she says. "I'll be glad when financial decisions can just be human decisions and not be male or female decisions... I hope that collaboration will be the paradigm of the 21st century." Joslyn G. Ewart, who earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Case Western Reserve University, her Master's from Temple University and Principal's Certifications from University of Pennsylvania, is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and a Certified Financial Planner. Her book Balancing Act: Wealth Management Straight Talk for Women is available for purchase on Amazon and from other booksellers. She is donating all proceeds from book sales to a scholarship fund at Temple University. Visit "Five Tips Jet-Setting Women Need to Know About their Money"

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